Sunday, September 23, 2012

Random Shit That Pisses Me Off

1. Pedestrians

2. Stupid people

3. Westboro Baptist Church

4. Illegal immigration

5. Justin Bieber

6. Outsourcing

7. Jersey Shore

8. Glee

9. Anti-military idiots

10. Gov. Jerry Brown

11. God

12. Toddlers & Tiaras

13. President Obama

14. Your mom

15. People who feel the need to cheat to get ahead

16. People who can’t spell and/or use bad grammar

17. Kansas City Chiefs

18. AT&T Wireless

19. McDonald’s

20. Chargers fans

21. PETA

22. The guy who took a shit on the hood of my car in high school

23. The Air Force

24. People who physically/mentally/sexually abuse children

25. Racism

26. White counter-tops in the kitchen

27. Bridezillas

28. People who put their kid on a leash in public

29. People at WalMart

30. Prejudice

31. People who sexually/physically/mentally abuse women

32. Homophobes

33. The Tea Party

34. Ron Paul

35. Anti-gay rights morons

36. People who vote against the legalization of marijuana

37. The fact that Starbucks doesn’t believe in small, medium, & large

38. Fanboys

39. People who bring a cart load of stuff through the '10 Items or Less' line

40. People who can't park right

41. Scientists that think the world will end in some way in December

42. NFL Commissioner

43. for forcing people to pay if they want to view their articles

44. Microsoft

45. Clowns

46. People who aren't smart enough to realize that I'm ALWAYS right

47. Idiots that wanna kill themselves over 'cyber-bullying'

48. Facebook apps

49. Sacha Baron Cohen

50. At least 50% of all Military spouses (dependapotamus/dependaho)

51. You

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